Bonhill Church

Tremendous, fantastic, awesome - just three words that can be used to describe our two recent appeals. Our Lenten Appeal for Water Aid raised £1,500! Water Aid works in 37 countries and our gift will mean that two villages will be able to have a stand-pipe fitted. This means no more carrying dirty water in buckets - it means going to the tap and having lovely fresh water - something we take for granted! Christian Aid Week resulted in £1,200 being raised in our envelopes and the 'Big Brekkie'. Christian Aid works to ensure that people are given opportunities to develop in all sorts of different ways. It is also a member of the Disease Emergency Committee (DEC) and goes to aid of people worldwide, whenever a disaster strikes.
Thank You to everyone who contributed - those who cooked bacon and sausages, those who counted the pennies - a huge thank you to everyone. Rev Barbara.