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Thinking of joining the Church?

If you would like to become a member of the church, please speak to Session Clerk Mrs Moira Thomson on 01436 679123.

Gift Aid Forms

If you have not yet returned your gift aid form, please do as soon as possible. It is of great importance that our records are up to date in order for us to make a claim.

Door Duty

If you would like to become a member of the welcoming team to greet Sunday worshipers please speak to  Moira Thomson - Session Clerk.

Work Party

If you can help out with the maintenance of the church please speak to Douglas Eadie.


Standing Orders

If you would like to set up a standing order with your bank instead of using FWO envelopes each week the information required is as follows:

Bank of Scotland: Alexandria

Bonhill Church of Scotland

Sort Code: 80-05-27

Account Number: 00199200

You can create a standing order that suits you - either weekly, monthly or annual payments. FWO envelopes currently cost the church around £60 a year and we are keen to reduce this as much as possible. Please let us know if you create a standing order so that we know to cancel your envelopes.

Bell Ringers Required

Please contact Michael

Prayers for Healing Service

Third Thursday every month at 7:30pm.

1st Vale of Leven Boy's Brigade

Anchor Boys and Junior Section will meet in the Menzies Hall on Tuesday nights. Company section will meet at the BB hall on Friday nights.


Freewill Offering Envelopes


Any member of the congregation who requested Freewill Offering Envelopes and has still to receive them please speak to Shiona Mackay as these are now available.

Flower Calendar

The 2022 flower calendar is now available next to the notice boards for those members who would like to sponsor the church flowers on a Sunday of their choice.

This is a nice way of marking a special anniversary and then the flowers are then passed on to members who are especially in our thoughts.

Our flower team has been depleted due to illness and it would be good if we could have a few volunteers to help put the flowers in the vases. If you feel you could help with this please speak to Sheila McKinlay on a Sunday morning or contact her on 01389 752904.

Celebration of Communion  


               We will celebrate Communion on Sunday 5th June at 11.15am


Platinum Jubilee Fete

Church Picnic Powerpoint: 

Please click button.

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